2020-04-09 09:00到2021-04-11 18:00 上海市上海市 上海 上海跨国采购会展中心 普陀区光复西路2739号 上海 上海跨国采购会展中心 普陀区光复西路2739号 医疗医学


一、项目背景/Project background
(一)自然疗法/I.Natural therapy
水疗:温泉、水疗、桑拿、按摩等设备;足疗用品;沐浴服装;药浴、碳酸浴、松脂浴、盐水浴、淀粉浴、喷射浴、漩水浴、气泡浴等/Spa : Hot spring/ Spa / Sauna / Massage and other equipment /Pedicure products /Bathing costume / Medicated bath /Carbonation bath /Turpentine bath /Saltwater bath /Starch bath/Jet bath /Whirlpool bath/Bubble bath ,etc .
心灵疗法:颂钵、催眠、花精疗法等/Psychic therapy : Bowl / Hypnosis /Tarot /Divination /Constellation /Crape myrtle Beidou ,etc .
音乐疗法:体感音乐及音响设备等/Music therapy : Physical music and audio equipment ,etc
草药疗法:泰式草药、印尼JAMU、阿育吠陀、草药煎剂、浸剂、酊剂或糖浆等/Herbal therapy : Thai herbal medicine / Indonesia JAMU / Ayuveda; Herbal decoction /Immersion/Tincture or Syrup, etc .
其他疗法:蜂疗、顺势疗法、热沙疗法、氧疗等/Other therapy : Bee therapy / Homeopathy /Thermotherapy /Oxygen therapy ,etc .
自然疗法:自然疗法中心、研究机构、培训机构等/Nature therapy : Nature therapy Center /Research institution /Training institution ,etc .
(二)健康管理/Health Management
医院、诊所、体检中心、康复及疗养中心、养生保健中心、月子中心、SPA会所、保健服务机构、健康体检和调理服务机构、老年照护中心等/Hospital /Clinic/ Physical examination center/ Rehabilitation and recuperation Center/Health care center/ yuezi center/ Spa club /Health service organization/Health examination and conditioning service organization ,elderly care center ,etc .
(三)康养服务体系/Health and wellness serve system
康养基地、旅行社、旅游产品、康养保险等/Health and wellness base / Travel agency / Tourism products/ Health and wellness insurance .etc .
(四)媒体、协会及文化传播机构/Media /Association and cultural communication institutions .
新闻媒体、康养传播平台、专业杂志、商、协会等/News Media/ Health and wellness communication platform/ professional magazines/
businesses /associations ,etc .
(五)个人护理器材及设备/Personal care equipment
家庭医疗:血压计、电子体温表、多功能治疗仪、血糖仪、口腔卫生健康用品、脂肪测量仪、家用药箱、电磁式按摩器、治疗仪器,颈椎治疗仪、家用颈椎腰椎牵引器、牵引椅、理疗仪器、睡眠仪等/Family medical treatment : sphygmomanometer / electronic thermometer/ multi-functional thrapeutic apparatus/ blood glucose meter/oral health products/ fat meter /home medicine box / electromagnetic massage /therapeutic apparatus/cervical vertebra therapeutic apparatus/ home cervical vertebra lumbar traction apparatus / traction chair / physiotherapy apparatus/ sleep apparatus , etc .
美容养护:洗脸仪器、保健按摩器材、光子射频仪器、脱毛仪、蜡疗机、离子导入仪、焕肤仪、微针滚轮等/Beauty maintenance : face washing instrument/health massage equipment/photon radio frequency instrument / depilation instrument / wax therapy machine/ ion introduction instrument/ skin rejuvenation instrument /micro needle roller ,etc .
(六)中医理疗、民间医药及道教养生文化/Physical therapy and culture of traditional Chinese Medicine .
中医理疗:针刺、灸法、拔罐、熏蒸、拨筋、正骨、生物电理疗、肩颈理疗、红外线理疗、超声波疗法、磁疗、传导热疗、电疗、冲击波疗法、光辐射疗法、低温疗法、压力疗法等/Physical therapy of traditional Chinese medicine: acupuncture, moxibustion, cupping, fumigation, tendon pulling, bone strengthening, bioelectric physical therapy, shoulder and neck physical therapy, infrared physical therapy, ultrasonic therapy, magnetic therapy, conduction heat therapy, electric therapy, shock wave therapy, light radiation therapy, low temperature therapy, pressure therapy, etc;
理疗仪器、耗材及设备:经络检测仪、电针仪、理疗灯、理疗床/床垫、贴敷料、艾灸贴膏类产品等/Physical therapy instruments, consumables and equipment: Meridian detector, electroacupuncture instrument, physical therapy lamp, physical therapy bed / mattress, dressing, cashmere, moxa stick, moxa granule, moxibustion paste products, etc;
中医馆连锁加盟:中医经络养生馆、艾灸馆、中医减肥馆、药浴养生馆、康复理疗中心等/Chain of traditional Chinese medicine stores: Traditional Chinese medicine meridians health center, moxibustion center, traditional Chinese medicine weight loss center, medicine bath health center, rehabilitation physical therapy center, etc
中医文化:全国中医药文化展示馆、图文、影像等/Traditional Chinese medicine culture: National Exhibition Hall of traditional Chinese medicine culture, pictures, images, etc
民间医药:苗医苗药、回医回药、藏医藏药、瑶浴等/Folk medicine: Miao medicine, Miao medicine, Hui medicine, Tibetan medicine, Yao bath, etc.;
道教文化及养生:道家功夫、养生文化等/Taoist culture and health preservation: Taoist kung fu, health preservation culture, etc.
(七)功能性食品及饮品:中药材、药膳、保健品、营养品、酵素等(须核验全部资质方能确认参展)Functional foods and beverages: Chinese medicinal materials, medicated diets, health products, nutritional products, enzymes, etc. (All qualifications must be checked before participating in the exhibition)

三、同期活动/Contemporaneous activities
(一)新产品发布会/New products Launch
(二)主题推介会/Theme promotion meeting
(三)主题论坛/Forum Session
第十四届自然医学学术大会/The 14th Natural therapy integration Conference
中医文化推广大会/Traditional Chinese medicine culture promotion conference

四、参展费用/Participation fees
标准展位 (9㎡起租) RMB 12800元人民币/展位
Standard Booth Price (9 ㎡) RMB 12800yuan/ booth
Standard Booth including : Name Banner ,2 Spot lights ,1 Reception desk ,2 Chairs ,1 basic electricity ,1 trash .

豪华标准展位(9㎡起租) RMB 15800元人民币/展位
Deluxe Standard Booth Price (9 ㎡) RMB 15800yuan/ booth
Standard Booth including : Stereoscopic light box、Name Banner ,2 Spot lights ,1 Reception desk ,2 Chairs ,1 basic electricity ,1 trash .

特装展位(18㎡起租) RMB 1200元人民币/㎡
Raw Space Price (Min 18㎡) RMB 1200yuan /㎡
Add 10%of the booth fees (1280 yuan/booth )for the two sides open standard booth .
Raw Space : No facilities will be offered ,it will be built by exhibitors themselves . Special decoration management fee: 40 yuan / ㎡.

五、参会费用/Attendance fees
Forum ticket price : 2680yuan/person
Group purchase price for 3 persons: 2580 yuan / person
自然医学学术大会/Natural therapy integration Conference
1980yuan/person , Group purchase price for 3 persons : 1580yuan/person
中医文化推广大会/Traditional Chinese medicine culture promotion conference
1980yuan/person , Group purchase price for 3 persons : 1580yuan/person
主题推介会:详见赞助方案/Theme promotion: see sponsorship plan for details

展馆: 主题馆
展区: 主题馆